Friday 9 August 2013

To whom the entire world is as a foreign place

"The person who finds his homeland sweet is still a tender beginner; he to whom every soil is as his native one is already strong; but he is perfect to whom the entire world is as a foreign place. The tender soul has fixed his love on one spot in the world; the strong person has extended his love to all places; the perfect man has extinguished his."
Hugh of St Victor quoted by Edward Said in Cultural Imperialism, 1993

Rancho de Taos - 1772-1816

Gary Schuberth - Domed building - 2012

Halde and Short - Alwyn Court - 1909

"Philosophy is really homesickness, the wish to be at home everywhere"
Novalis, quoted in Georg Lukacs, The Theory of the Novel, 1920