Tuesday 26 November 2013

Order and Beauty

"There all is order and beauty,
Luxury, peace, and pleasure."

Charles Baudelaire, l'Invitation au voyage, 1857

Ambrogio Lorenzetti - Effetti Del Buon Governo - 1337/1340

Henry Darger - The Story Of The Vivian Girls - 1930/1973

Monday 25 November 2013

Like a small photograph - Peter Behrens

Art is the performance of the cosmic drama in which by means of pictures as symbols the cosmic event is shown in deep convincing acts. The cosmic story, the cosmic drama, the cosmic statue, the cosmic painting, the cosmic building, in short, the harmony, the whole cosmos put together in one aspect, like a small photograph which shows the whole scene.
J.L.M. Lauweriks, Het nut en doel der kunst, in Theosophia, 1907
Quoted in and translated by F.G. Evelein, “‘Pure Theosophical art.’ cosmogenesis, cosmic consciousness and evolution.” 
Paper presented at the Society of Architectural Historians Annual Meeting, April 1996, via Susan R. Henderson 

Peter Behrens - Crematorium - Hagen - 1906/1907

Peter Behrens - Crematorium - Hagen - 1906/1907

Peter Behrens - Crematorium - Hagen - 1906/1907